Monday, 7 September 2009
On 15:08 by RT in Branding for Impact, Social Branding
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Here's the jist of it...
A brand is what your audience feels , thinks , and remembers about your enterprise.
Brand used to be ‘ offline ’ and ‘ online ’ Now it is seamless , and primarily driven by how you are perceived via the web.
And now that organisations can create their own profiles , brands can effectively function as ‘ people ’ i.e. In the interactive web 2.0 world, your brand has a personality.
So… Brand used to just be about image, but now its about image AND personality!
Before the web, niche brands could only engage niche audiences. They relied on costly traditional PR and push marketing, which meant that their audiences were tiny and their budgets high. Now niche brands can engage mass audiences at low cost.
Social organisations sit in a niche that typically does not sell product. They are competing for attention. And when you're competing for attention, your competition is everything. You have to stand out to be noticed.
A strong brand is a core factor in being noticed, and therefore heard, which is why it critical for social organisations to get their branding right.